939 Harpswell Neck Road
Harpswell, Maine 04079
207 833-5353






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Click on the word that is in color to take you to the web site in a new window.

  • Whatis.com
    A good reference for computer terminology
  • Computerhope.com
    References about computer languages, commands, operating systems, etc
  • Microsoft home page
    The place to go for upgrades and downloads for your Windows machine.
  • Apple Computer home page
    If you own an Apple you should have this in your favorites folder.
  • "Google" My pick for the best search engine
    Find almost anything with this search engine and it is usually accurate.
  • This Crawler searches other search engines.
    Strange name but good results
  • Enchanted Learning is a great site for kids
    Whether for homework or just for fun, take a look at this site.
  • Tom's Hardware is not your average hardware store.
    Everything you want to know about computer hardware.
  • If you are looking for Books
    This site will give you the best price and selection on books.
  • CDW
    For hardware and software with a good selection and great service.
  • For Government sites, this one will link you to just about any site the federal government has.
  • For Spybot  is a program to find spyware on your computer that is put there by some of the websites you visit. This is shareware and will look for almost 6 thousand spy cookies on your computer.
  • For Zone Alarm  has a free firewall you can download and run on your computer. They have some more sophisticated programs that can be purchased, but I would recommend trying the free one first.